Writing is not just about words; it is about words with meaning. It is not just a bundle of thoughts, but rather your wanders and wonders, your life experiences, your travels, your passions, the characters you see at coffeehouses, bars, and on streets corners, and the beauty of embracing reality while at the same time knowing you are able to close your eyes and escape to another world full of imagination and intrigue.

Founded by authors Jason DeGray and Carl Lawrence Knauf, Universal Butterfly aims to bring back the value of industry greatness and quality in a world where average trends have been mislabeled as amazing. Circulated work does not necessarily represent excellent work, and Universal Butterfly understands that one’s first published short, novella, or novel is not the pinnacle of personal accomplishment.

Of course, it is a success worth noting, but also an obligation to progress and deliver an even better story the next time.

Contentment is for a hobbyist. Commitment is for a writer.